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Each and every year since Hurricane Katrina, we have marked the anniversary by organizing a community led commemoration. Annually, we start the morning in the Lower 9th Ward where the levees broke, with a healing ceremony and a reading of the names of those who died. We then march through the streets until a brass band joins us at our half-way point to lead us the rest of the way in the New Orleans’ Second Line tradition. We end with a rally with speakers and performers.

20 Years of Homage and Advocacy

When Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast 17 years ago, Black people and poor people were left to die in the richest country in the world. Each year on the anniversary we commemorate our loved ones we lost, celebrate our resiliency, and demand justice and a just future.

We continue to demand:

  • Make August 29th a holiday commemorating the lives lost in Katrina.

  • Racial, economic, and climate justice through investment in our communities and divestment from the systems and institutions that harm our communities.

  • Investment in education, health, housing, and Black businesses.

  • Divesting from fossil fuels and investing in a just transition for climate solutions.

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Other Ways to Join

Our goal is to have our family and community in New Orleans gather together, with the entire country joining us to echo our demands for justice. On Friday, August 29th, we want communities across the United States to unite for a National Moment of Silence to honor the lives lost, uplift survivors, and reflect on the ongoing journey of rebuilding and justice. If you have a personal Katrina story, please send it to us to share with our communities fighting for a safer, healthier, and cleaner future for the Gulf.

Contact Us

For Media Inquiries

Hip Hop Caucus

For March and Second Line Information

New Orleans Katrina Commemoration Foundation
1840 N. Claiborne Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70116