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Jasmine Gil is a dedicated advocate for climate and environmental justice, with a deep-rooted commitment to empowering communities impacted by injustice. Born and raised in South Carolina, Jasmine’s upbringing instilled in her a profound connection to nature and community, shaping her passion for advocacy and social change.

With a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the College of Charleston, Jasmine embarked on a career focused on community organizing and advocacy. Her early experiences in Charleston, including activism against historical injustices and environmental threats, laid the foundation for her commitment to centering community in her work.

Jasmine’s career trajectory has seen her take on diverse roles, from coordinating educational programs for students in the Charleston area to leading campaigns at organizations like Climate Power and the Coastal Conservation League. As a State Director at Climate Power, she spearheaded initiatives amplifying BIPOC voices and driving narratives on climate and clean energy. Jasmine’s expertise in storytelling, communications, and partnership-building has been instrumental in advancing climate justice causes at both state and national levels.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Jasmine finds joy in music, arts and crafts, and playing tennis. She is an avid supporter of youth voices in cultural movements and enjoys staying abreast of new beauty trends. Jasmine currently resides in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she continues to advocate for the protection of community, culture, and resources.

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