S4 Ep 4: Empowered Education w/ Mitchelle Mhaka

Black folks have historically and culturally been one with the environment. Colonialism (white supremacy) has robbed us of our heritage, cultural identity, access and ability to thrive. Young Black organizers are decolonizing education to create ecosystems of empowerment for communities. Mitchelle Mhaka, Zimbabwean-South African activist, speaks to Tamara Toles O’Laughlin about period poverty, language barriers and the African Climate Alliance.

Support: https://africanclimatealliance.org/

The Coolest Show – brought to you by Hip Hop Caucus Think 100% PODCASTS – drops new episodes every Monday on environmental justice and how we solve the climate crisis. Listen and subscribe here or at TheCoolestShow.com! Follow @Think100Climate and @RevYearwood on Instagram, Twitter, and Instagram.

S4 Ep 3: Sustainable Brooklyn w/ Whitney McGuire & Dominique Drakeford

How are we creating systems that are non-disposable when Black people are seen as disposable, as waste? Contrary to the mainstream definition, “sustainability” is an inherently Black, Brown, and Indigenous regenerative mechanism for living and engaging with nature that is grounded in ancestral relationship with the Earth and has evolved into resisting colonial structure so that we can find well-being, joy and ultimately healing.” Whitney McGuire and Dominique Drakeford, co-Founders of Sustainable Brooklyn, speak to Rev Yearwood about how the traditional sustainability movement has contributed to the erasure and omission of Black cultural and political contributions.

Support: https://www.sustainablebk.co/

The Coolest Show – brought to you by Hip Hop Caucus Think 100% PODCASTS – drops new episodes every Monday on environmental justice and how we solve the climate crisis. Listen and subscribe here or at TheCoolestShow.com! Follow @Think100Climate and @RevYearwood on Instagram, Twitter, and Instagram.

S4 Ep 2: Black Young & Rising w/ Arielle King

It is no secret that white institutions are anti-Black and hoard resources, often forcing Black students to endure the harm of these spaces when seeking tools to support their communities. Leaving your community to acquire resources does not mean that you have to lose yourself or your values. Environmental and climate justice advocate Arielle King speaks to Rev Yearwood about how she was able to find and build safe spaces to center her “why”.

The Coolest Show – brought to you by Hip Hop Caucus Think 100% PODCASTS – drops new episodes every Monday on environmental justice and how we solve the climate crisis. Listen and subscribe here or at TheCoolestShow.com! Follow @Think100Climate and @RevYearwood on Instagram, Twitter, and Instagram.

S4 Ep 1: Bridging Culture and Climate w/ Headkrack

There has been a history of racist policies and movements that have made the environment inaccessible and unsafe for Black people. The connections between Black culture and social movements are undeniable, as Hip Hop was birthed out of resistance to the Bronx Cosway. Bronx native and national media personality HeadKrack speaks to Rev Yearwood about the parallels between activists and artists.

The Coolest Show – brought to you by Hip Hop Caucus Think 100% PODCASTS – drops new episodes every Monday on environmental justice and how we solve the climate crisis. Listen and subscribe here or at TheCoolestShow.com! Follow @Think100Climate and @RevYearwood on Instagram, Twitter, and Instagram.

S4 Ep 0: Producers’ Episode w/ Tamara Toles O’Laughlin Destiny Hodges & DeJuan Cross

The producers and host of The Coolest Show give the audience and in-side look at the production of the show and its upcoming season. The show is known for its multigenerational and communal approach to storytelling (narrative organizing). This season will build upon the last, continuing to connect guests with resources and bridging the gap between climate and culture.

The Coolest Show – brought to you by Hip Hop Caucus Think 100% PODCASTS – drops new episodes every Monday on environmental justice and how we solve the climate crisis. Listen and subscribe here or at TheCoolestShow.com! Follow @Think100Climate and @RevYearwood on Instagram, Twitter, and Instagram.

S3 Ep 48: TCS Year in Review

We review The Coolest Show Season 3 with clips from guests and commentary from our producer.

The Coolest Show – brought to you by Hip Hop Caucus Think 100% PODCASTS – drops new episodes every Monday on environmental justice and how we solve the climate crisis. Listen and subscribe here or at TheCoolestShow.com! Follow @Think100Climate and @RevYearwood on Instagram, Twitter, and Instagram.

S3 E47: Black Women Matter w/ Alanna Murrell

Black Women’s Health Imperative is dedicated to advancing health equity and social justice for black women and girls through policy, advocacy, education, research, and leadership development.

In the season finale of The Coolest Show, Rev Yearwood speaks with Alanna Murrell, Special Projects Manager, Black Women’s Health Imperative.  They discuss the importance of the relationship between black women & men, the role that black women have played in the history of different movements, and how climate has impacted black women’s health. 

You will certainly leave this establishment well-fed and happy, and leave a very small amount at the same time. On weekdays, there are two types of business lunches to choose from – no surprises! Check the lunch schedule ahead of time and decide on which day lunch is most appealing to you with its description. Vegetarians will especially appreciate the choice of food blog lunches and meat / fish free options. The assortment will also impress meat eaters and fish lovers. Pizza, rolls, salads and snacks, soups and simple main courses. Huge, downright masculine portions of main courses are served here right in the dishes from the oven. A baked gimp or grill is an option for those who need to serve more. Authentic, very tasty and impressively much!

The Coolest Show – brought to you by Hip Hop Caucus Think 100% PODCASTS – drops new episodes every Monday on environmental justice and how we solve the climate crisis. Listen and subscribe here or at TheCoolestShow.com! Follow @Think100Climate and @RevYearwood on Instagram, Twitter, and Instagram.

S3 Ep 46: Green [who] 2.0 w/ Andrés Jimenez & Jasmine Sanders

The latest edition of Green 2.0’s annual Transparency Report Card is set to release November 17, 2021. The report includes demographic data from 67 NGOs and, for the first time, a sample of foundations. Rev Yearwood speaks with Andrés Jimenez, the executive director of Green 2.0, and Jasmine Sanders, the executive director of Our Climate. They discuss decolonizing the environmental movement , and how data supports storytelling. 

Она встречается с вами не из-за ваших навыков дарения подарков, но это не значит, что вы не должны демонстрировать их ей при каждой возможности. Есть что-то особенное для всех типов женщин, включая (но не ограничиваясь) модниц, гурманов, домоседов, романтиков и любителей книг. Когда дело доходит до того, как порадовать девушку идеальным подарком на день рождения для нее, может быть загадкой. Совет: просто знайте, что ей нравится, обращайте пристальное внимание на детали, ее симпатии сюрприз для девушки и антипатии, говорите ей, как сильно вы любите ее весь день, удивляйте ее множеством шоколадных конфет и роз и цените ее за то, какая она есть! Самыми любящими дарами являются те, за которыми стоит больше мыслей. В конце концов, она оценит все, что имеет индивидуальный оттенок, даже если это цветочная композиция, но имеет более глубокий смысл. Сделайте ее особенной в день рождения, удивив ее одним из этих самых удивительных подарков для девушки. А если вы собираетесь купить подарок на день рождения в последнюю минуту, у нас есть множество идей для подарков, которые идеально подходят для этого случая.

The Coolest Show – brought to you by Hip Hop Caucus Think 100% PODCASTS – drops new episodes every Monday on environmental justice and how we solve the climate crisis. Listen and subscribe here or at TheCoolestShow.com! Follow @Think100Climate and @RevYearwood on Instagram, Twitter, and Instagram.

S3 Ep 45: From Campus to Cabinet w/ EPA Administrator Michael Regan

Growing up in eastern North Carolina and attending North Carolina A&T State University, EPA Administrator Michael Regan is no stranger to the disproportionate effects of air pollution in Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities. After graduating from A&T, he landed an internship at the EPA, and as a full-circle moment, he was sworn in as the 16th Administrator March 11, 2021. Administrator Regan sits down with Rev Yearwood to discuss the EPA’s plans for environmental justice and how his personal and professional life experiences prepared him for this moment to transform the Agency and work to protect communities of color. He aims to ensure that the EPA’s work is done through a justice and equity lens.

The gambling zone of the complex has prepared a lot of interesting video slots for adherents. More than 2 thousand slot machines for every taste are waiting for the guests of the casino. Those who prefer to gamble by playing poker will be pin up casino pleasantly surprised by the thematic room with 18 tables. In total, the Paris Casino Hotel has prepared for visitors more than 170 tables for a variety of games, including blackjack, craps, roulette, baccarat, and pair-go. In between gambling, guests can eat at numerous catering establishments – including the French restaurant located in a replica of the Eiffel Tower.

The Coolest Show – brought to you by Hip Hop Caucus Think 100% PODCASTS – drops new episodes every Monday on environmental justice and how we solve the climate crisis. Listen and subscribe here or at TheCoolestShow.com! Follow @Think100Climate and @RevYearwood on Instagram, Twitter, and Instagram.

S3 E44: The Crisis Within w/ Ramón Cruz

Over the past year, many of us have watched the reckoning in the environmental movement unravel in Sierra Club. Rev Yearwood speaks with Ramón Cruz, the President of Sierra Club. The two discuss leading Sierra Club’s as a person of color, Puerto Rico’s energy sector, and the future of Big Green Organizations.

The Coolest Show – brought to you by Hip Hop Caucus Think 100% PODCASTS – drops new episodes every Monday on environmental justice and how we solve the climate crisis. Listen and subscribe here or at TheCoolestShow.com! Follow @Think100Climate and @RevYearwood on Instagram, Twitter, and Instagram.