Hip Hop Caucus President & CEO Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr. to Deliver Commencement Addresses at Paul Smith’s College and The Piney Woods School

Oldest son River Yearwood a part of Paul Smith’s College spring 2024 graduating class

WASHINGTON — Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., the President & CEO of Hip Hop Caucus, is set to deliver empowering commencement addresses at two distinguished institutions this May. On May 11, Yearwood will take the stage at Paul Smith’s College to address graduates, faculty, and guests, followed by a speech at The Piney Woods School commencement on May 25.

Known for his dynamic delivery and impassioned advocacy, Rev. Yearwood Jr. is a visionary leader, community activist, and one of the most innovative advocates and strategists for racial justice and climate justice.

Rev. Yearwood Jr.’s oldest son River Yearwood is a spring 2024 Paul Smith’s College graduate and will attend the ceremony.

“I’m inspired by this next generation of leaders and it is an honor to be invited to share with the graduates at Paul Smith’s College and The Piney Woods School on such a momentous occasion,” said Rev. Yearwood Jr., President & CEO of Hip Hop Caucus. “And being able to deliver a commencement speech the day my child is graduating from one of the finest institutions of higher learning, makes me the proudest parent in the world.”

Paul Smith’s College is a private institution located in the heart of the Adirondacks in Paul Smiths, New York, and prepares students to lead sustainable careers and a sustainable planet.

The Piney Woods School is a co-educational independent historically African-American boarding school for grades 9–12 in Piney Woods, Mississippi. It is the last remaining Black boarding school in America. 

Rev. Yearwood Jr. is the host of the award-winning climate and environmental justice podcast The Coolest Show and Senior Advisor of Bloomberg Philanthropies Beyond Petrochemicals Campaign. He is a White House Champion of Change for climate leadership and according to Rolling Stone he is a “New Green Hero.” 

Paul Smith’s College’s spring 2024 commencement will be livestreamed for those not able to join in person. 

For more information or to schedule an interview with Rev. Yearwood Jr., contact media@hiphopcaucus.org.


About Hip Hop Caucus

Formed in 2004, the Hip Hop Caucus (HHC) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that leverages Hip Hop culture to encourage young people to participate in the democratic process. Through a collaborative leadership network, HHC addresses core issues affecting underserved communities. HHC programs and campaigns support solution-driven community organizing led by today’s young leaders.